Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disposition towards Journey

I look at life and see the images of reality… a glimpse of the many phases of my life in order to monitor the quality of my existence. Just as our own body tissues and cells, where every single second it functions in order to make us what we are, living human persons. This is how life is. Each little part makes up the whole.
Now, how can we know the meaning of life? Not through our day-to-day work but by first knowing our ways of thinking. Our ways of thinking bring great impact to our living. It is here where begins our disposition and dispositions result in our manner of going through life. This disposition dictates our journey.
Why am I in the seminary? Because it is my disposition to live in this place as I aspire to become a priest later on. I hope this is my vocation in life. Honestly, to live in the seminary is not a simple task. I have so many things to consider and must exercise in order to survive. But everything is in view of our becoming priests. We are formed now so that we can become better pastors and apostles later. Right minds never choose options which are not productive. Right minds always choose what is applicable and proper.
Our disposition guides us in our journey, this journey is our reality. I often tell this quotation to my close friend, “Don’t look on the others’ feet watch your move, where are you now?” This is a little bit individualistic but true to life-that we must be aware of our own movement in life’s journey.
When we were still little children our dispositions were approved by our parents because they were thinking of our safety. Sometimes they would give to us what we want “Yes” and sometimes they said, “No.” that is how they think for our own good. Now, we are all mature enough to choose things whatever we want. All choices are upon us especially on how we deal with our life, or what kind of vocation we want to live until the end of time. I would say, let us watch our dispositions hoping that this will not be the cause of our failure but rather the reason of our success.
According to Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Even in a simple thought, we all start to step up towards a journey that later on is our destiny. So, let us watch our actions on it. A Jew holocaust survivor named Anne Frank said, “Even a little light can shine forth in a darkened place.” Even a little disposition can lead to the reality of life. According to Anon, “what you achieve through the journey of life is not as important as who you become.” We are the product of our own disposition, what we are who we are. But, let us remember that our journey ends in our final destination whether we like it or not. That is death.
“To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours is wisdom.” Now, how do we apply it?

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